Author Nurses
For those of us in the nursing profession who also write there is a wonderful site that gives guidelines and advice. It is called Nurse Author (all one word, no spaces, no caps)
Here is some information from that page:
For Authors
This page is dedicated to any nurse thinking of publishing an
article. Please click on the 'View Articles' link at the bottom of this
page to view a selection of articles published in
Nurse Author & Editor useful to nurse authors. We will be adding additional information useful to authors to this page.
We are very pleased to give all
Nurse Author & Editor readers access to Christine Webb's
Writing for Publication booklet ((
c) 2009, Blackwell Publishing Ltd).
This booklet provides easy to follow guidelines for any nurse
thinking of publishing their work. It contains advice on how to get
started, how to write different types of articles and tips on writing
style, as well as information on aspects of publishing such as copyright
and impact factors.
The website's Editorial Office is located in Oxford, England and is part of the Wiley company
Nurses work in a variety of areas that are involved with intellectual property. Jonathan Paley of The Paley Brothers is a nurse from Boston, now located on the west coast, whose new CD was listed in Rolling Stone magazine this past month as one of the best reissues of 2013 in David Fricke's December 19th column.
If you wish to submit a paper to
Nurse Author & Editor, please refer to the
Author Guidelines and send your paper by e-mail to the Editorial Office.
Nurse Author & Editor
9600 Garsington Road
The America Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) also has a helpful site - the Journal for Nurse Practitioners
JNP: The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, offers high
quality, peer-reviewed clinical articles, original research,
continuing education, and departments that help practitioners (NPs)
excel as providers of primary and acute care across the lifespan.
Each issue meets their practice needs and encourages discussion and
feedback with thought-provoking articles on controversial issues
and topics. JNP supports advocacy by demonstrating the role that policy plays in shaping practice and delivering outcomes.
All articles and departments should be submitted via the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) at
All correspondence will be through EES. All manuscripts are accepted for
publication with the understanding that they are contributed
solely to JNP.
The Journal has specific guidelines:
Papers should be written in a scholarly format using references generally no older than 5 years. Writing
should be at the level for physicians and experienced NPs.
Minority also publishes and issues writer guidelines:
Minority Nurse aims
to provide nurses of color with a targeted career road map by offering
practical articles on job opportunities, employment trends, and
continuing education. Readers represent a wide range of educational
backgrounds, from associate degree to Ph.D. holders, from students to
practicing nurses and nursing faculty. Minority health disparities and
culturally competent health care are frequent concerns, as are specific
efforts to increase the number of African American, Asian, Hispanic,
Filipino, and Native American/Alaska Native nurses in the profession.
Clinical Simulation in Nursing has another helpful set of writer guidelines:
Clinical Simulation in Nursing is an international, peer reviewed journal published online monthly.
Clinical Simulation in Nursing is the official journal of the
International Nursing Association of Clinical and Simulated Learning
(INACSL) and the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE)
and reflects the mission of these organizations. The journal accepts
manuscripts meeting one or more of the following criteria:
• Research articles and systematic reviews using simulation andor
standardized patients
• Practice articles using simulation and or standardized patients
• Innovative teaching/learning
strategies developed through simulation and technology
• Innovative implementation and management strategies for simulation
within practice and academic centers; and
• Articles updating knowledge, guidelines, regulations, and legislative policies
that impact nursing and health care education and practice
In seeking out helpful links, we came across a blog entitled
the 25 Most Famous Nurses in History
25 Most Famous Nurses in History
Nursing is a profession that seems to draw people with
compassion and a desire to help others. Throughout history, nurses have
been on the front lines of military conflicts, and have provided their
caring expertise in hospitals and clinics around the world. If you
decide to go into nursing, you will be in good company. Here are 25 of
the most famous nurses in history.
They have a Twitter page we are following:
The Kate Genovese Twitter account is here:
Kate Genovese
Kate was born in Watertown, MA (a
suburb of Boston) and was the 6th of 7 children. She realized the
healing aspect of writing and went on to publish 3 books;
On my personal account I follow libraries, book retailers, television, radio, the nursing profession, other authors and twitter pages I believe are interesting to my readers and friends.
There are a number of other Twitter Accounts worthy of your attention:
The Independent Author Network is a
community of indie authors who utilize social networking like Twitter
to promote their books as a group. We're on