Monday, May 20, 2013

Marathon Bombing Commentary - The Nurse's Dilemma

Kate Genovese will be commenting on this story today, May 20, 2013


For bombing suspect’s nurses, angst gave way to duty

They did what they had to do, and did it well. But they worry

By Liz Kowalczyk

The 29-year-old trauma nurse was on-call at home, unwinding in front of a “Friends’’ television marathon on a Friday night. She had been ministering to patients horribly injured in the Boston Marathon bombings and craved a distraction. But she couldn’t resist flipping to the news, and as she did, police surrounded Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, cowering and bloody inside a parked pleasure boat.
Then her smartphone rang.

A nursing supervisor told the young woman to hurry into work. She didn’t know it yet, but within hours, she would be one of Tsarnaev’s bedside nurses, soothing the accused terrorist’s pain and healing his wounds — just as she had done for some of his victims.

stay tuned for Kate's commentary on this article and her own personal experience in nursing with a similar situation.

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